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Sky Diving Travel Insurance Quote

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Sky Diving Travel Insurance

If you plan a trip and participate in Sky Diving (Europe only), you must get a Travel Insurance policy before leaving home. This policy will cover Tandem Skydiving and Multiple Jumps. We provide coverage if you are Sky Diving, and this is the Sole Purpose of your trip.  To contact us by telephone or email, 0800 043 0020 / 01273 092 757

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If you plan a trip and participate in Sky Diving (Europe only), you must get a Travel Insurance policy before leaving home.

This policy will cover Tandem Skydiving and Multiple Jumps.

We provide coverage if you are Sky Diving, and this is the Sole Purpose of your trip. 

To contact us by telephone or email, 0800 043 0020 / 01273 092 757 support@jsinsurance.co.uk

Summary of Cover (per person)

Section & Cover Silver Gold Platinum
Emergency Medical and Repatriation* £5,000,000 £5,000,000 £5,000,000
Search and Rescue* £25,000 £50,000 £50,000
Personal Liability - £2,000,000 £2,000,000
Cancellation or Curtailment* - £3,000 £7,500
Personal Baggage* £500 £2,500 £3,500
Activity Equipment £1,500 £1,500 £1,500
Valuables* £250 £250 £500
Loss of Passport* - £300 £500
Travel Delay - £300 £1,000
Trip Abandonment* - £3,000 £7,500
Missed Departure / Connection - £500 £500
Legal Expenses* - £25,000 £50,000

*Excess payable does vary depending on the claim benefit.

Please read the Policy Wording for the complete list of Benefits.

Healix Insurance Services Ltd, on behalf of Hamilton Insurance DAC, arranges this Travel Insurance policy for Jade Stanley Ltd. Healix Insurance Ltd is registered in England and Wales under No. 5484190 and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under No. 437248. Hamilton Insurance DAC is registered in Ireland No. 484148, authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland, and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority in connection with their UK branch. Jade Stanley Ltd is registered in England and Wales under No. 03570857 and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under No. 306205.

Sky Diving (Amateur Competition)

We can cover Sky Diving Amateur Competitions (Europe only).

You can choose between a Single Trip or an Annual Multi-Trip policy. If you select Sky Diving (Europe Only), you are automatically covered for recreational Sky Diving and Amateur Competitions.


'Amateur' means you're not being paid or sponsored to compete and are not competing for prize money. We cannot cover Professional Sky Diving Competitions.


For our skydiving policies to be valid, you must be supervised by a Qualified Instructor or Guide if you are not experienced or qualified.

Our Sky Diving policies provide unlimited jumps on a Single Trip or Annual basis. We can cover up to and including 65 years of age.

Sky Diving

Many people make their first jump with a trained, experienced instructor in the form of a Tandem Sky Dive.

During the tandem jump, the Instructor is responsible for the whole experience, from the jump to the landing, including maintaining a stable free fall position and activating and controlling the parachute.

For people who are looking to make their holiday unforgettable by experiencing the thrill and adventure of Sky Diving, there are numerous companies all around the world offering the opportunity.

The dangers associated with skydiving usually result from either a mistake in judgment or procedures. Injuries typically occur due to misjudgment on the part of the skydiver.

Awkward landings can result in twisted ankles or even broken legs. More severe injuries include concussion and blunt trauma.

There are fatalities associated with skydiving; though these account for about 1 in 100,000 jumps, they are scarce, in other words.

Several safety measures are in place to make skydiving as safe as possible.

Sky Diving in bad weather, such as rain, high wind and dust storms, will increase the risk posed by jumping.

Most jump sites will suspend all activities in such conditions. Make sure to check before you travel if the weather is terrible and if the jumps will be operating as planned.

Regular checks should be made to ensure that all equipment is still fit to use and will not malfunction.

Back-up parachutes, in particular, should be checked regularly by a certified Sky Diving Instructor.

You can train for skydiving without jumping from a plane. This is done in vertical wind tunnels, essentially free fall free-fall.

Travel Insurance Toolkit

  • Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
  • Covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme
  • Secure data encryption